
Aepenton was called Flowmarket from 2004-2022.

It began its journey in 2004 by opening a physical store at The Danish Design Center in Copenhagen to put focus on sustainability and sustainable development. It was build like a white ethereal store with various iconic thought provoking labeled packaging sculptures.

The sculptures was categorized in a sustainainability model we developed with a focus on both individual, collective and environmental challenges.

Back then it was quite an uphill struggle to adress the term 'sustainability' and the store was only supposed to be open for a 3 month period. But our unique combination of layered pondering, iconic design and understated humour magically made Flowmarket/Aepenton an instant audience succes. The design museum extended the showcasing repeatedly and it ended up being open for 5 years instead of the intended 3 month.

Our unique and iconic products and design has enabled us to make the intangible tangible, cross cultural boundaries and sell our products worldwide via our online store, pop-up stores and selected partners and retailers.

We have recieved international recognition and have so far been showcased in museum exhibitions and pop-up stores in Copenhagen, Zurich, New York, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore and Seoul.

Aepenton today is focused on contributing to a kinder world through personal and relational development. With sculptures and products designed for reflection and conversation.

The next step for Aepenton is expanding in 2025 into a next generation luxury lifestyle brand focused on bringing mental, relational & physical well-being to people. With the product categories: Apparel, Living, Wellness & Pondering.